
The Colorado Master Tree Farmer Program

The Master Tree Farmer Program is a training program tailored to meet the needs and interests of Colorado Tree Farmers and other forest landowners.

It consists of a series of coursework, field trips and outreach activities, which lead to three levels of recognition: Tree Farm Technician, Tree Farm Manager, and Master Tree Farmer.   Recognition consists of achievement certificates at all three levels and a sign for the Master Tree Farmer that can be displayed below the Tree Farm sign

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The Colorado Master Tree Farmer Program is administered by the Colorado State Tree Farm Committee.  It is sponsored jointly by the Committee, the local Colorado State Forest Service District Forester, and the local Tree Farmers association.

Certificates will be issued by the Committee after review of the trainees individual summary sheets provided to the Committee by the District Forester or his representative.  The Committee upon completion of all requirements will provide Master Tree Farmer signs by the Tree Farmer.

Instructors will be chosen by the Districts subject to approval by the State Tree Farm Committee.

Requirements for designation as a Master Tree Farmer

1.        He or she must be a Certified Tree Farmer.

2.        Complete of the Tree Farm Technician level.

3.        Complete of the Tree Farm Manager level

.4.        Score at least 70% on a written, open book examination.

5.        Document outreach activities such as hosting educational tours, authorship of articles in newspapers, membership in volunteer fire departments, administrative activities in the local Tree Farm or natural resource organization, recruitment of new Tree Farmers, and any other activities that educate people to the benefits of Tree Farming.


The State Committee will provide certificates and the Master Tree Farmer sign.Trainees will pay a tuition fee that will cover the costs of building rental, paid instructors, materials, and transportation.  The District Forester may be able to locate free meeting rooms.  Trainees may provide their own transportation for the field trip(s).  These two factors will help to keep costs at a reasonable minimum.Registration will be on a Tree Farm rather than on an individual basis.  For example, a husband and wife Tree Farm team would be one registration and receive one set of materials.  They would, however, receive two certificates.


Foresters, Tree Farmers, public accountants, and other professionals may qualify as instructors.  The State Committee may provide instructors upon request by the District.  Instructors will approve by the State Committee routinely.  Persons who are recognized as knowledgeable people in their field will easily be approved as instructors.  This is not intended to be a painful process.  The Committee only wishes to maintain the integrity of the Program and provide accurate information to the trainees.

Master Tree Farmer Curriculum Topics

For Tree Farm Technician Level

For Tree Farm Manager Level