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Education>Master Tree Farm Course> Tree Farm Technician> FOREST INVENTORY

 Steps in determining  volumes of forest products
on a tree farm in Colorado


1. Break forestland into units or stands.


2. Determine sampling method and intensity.

-100% tree measurement
-Sample tree measurement
-Line plot cruise
-Point sampling along a line


3. Determine sampling system (i.e. How do you get a 10% sample?)


4. Determine merchantability standards for cruise, if applicable.


5. Develop tally sheet and make copies for field use.


6. Get tools/equipment together that is necessary to obtain cruise data.

For distance, diameters, heights, basal area, incremental growth, plus flagging, compass, tally sheets, clipboards, photos, maps, vest or pack, hand ax, etc.

. 7.        Collect data.
. 8.        Summarize data and run statistical analysis.
. 9.        Determine volume using applicable volume table.

Discuss advantages and disadvantages of basal area cruising.

Answer to Quiz question #2: 
What are the advantages to basel area cruising?


. -Quick and easy
. -Requires only one instrument
. -No plot establishment which could lead to bias
. -No diameter measurement
. -Sampling time spent on larger, more valuable trees
. -Prism is accurate optical instrument


. -Does not give stand structure for planning purposes
. -Variability between points is higher than plot system
(needs more points)    
. -Human error
. -Slope at point alters plot size
(Relaskop automatically corrects for this)

Measurements needed at each point or plot.

. 1.        Site index.   Measure height and age of dominant or co-dominant trees.  Consider Crown Closure Factor or CCF.
. 2.        Growth.  Measure rings per inch or 10-year periodic increment.
. 3.        Diameter and height  for utilizing volume table.  Some tables use diameter only.
. 4.        Basal area, if applicable.
. 5.        Dwarf mistletoe rating or DMR, if applicable.
. 6.        Slope.


Show how to determine mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and number of plots needed based upon standard error of the mean and sampling error.


Show how to read volume tables.

. 1.        Gross volume table
. 2.        Net volume table
. 3.        Basal area volume table

Show how to read site index curves.

Master Tree Farm Course     Tree Farm Technician