Colorado Tree Farmers, what we do: Our Tree Farm organization is composed of local groups of landowners usually within a particular Colorado State Forest Service District. If we don't have a local Tree Farm group currently operating in your District, we would like to start one The Tree Farm organization in Colorado is mainly involved in education and advocacy of forestry related issues. Our local groups meet, usually on a quarterly basis, to listen to experts, share management ideas, plan tours of properties, forest product end users, and related industries, and keep members informed of the best management practices available to them. Most groups don't charge dues, but pass the hat when they agree on organizing a particular event involving expenses. We do require members to work with a professional forester to develop a management plan that identifies the areas on your property that need work in order to develop and maintain a healthy and sustainable forest. We also require periodic inspections to assure that the necessary work is getting done. If you are already a participant in Colorado's Forest Ag program, you will have a plan and inspection schedule that will meet Tree Farm requirements. For more information please contact us by clicking here Education Section Contents