Be Prepared
"Be Prepared" is a community event to help people be better prepared to reduce the damage to their property and to increase the odds that their homes can be saved during the upcoming wildfire and flood seasons in the High Park Fire burn area.
The event will address the questions:
- What did we learn from the recent fires?
- What can we expect this year?
- What can we do to be better prepared?
- Who can help us?
Opening Remarks by Larimer County Undersheriff - Bill Nelson
During the event:
- Neighbors, including fire fighters, who lost their homes in the High Park Fire will discuss what they learned and what they would do differently.
- Fire and flood experts Tony Simons with Larimer County, Chief Bob Gann with Rist Canyon, Chief Carl Solley with Poudre Canyon, and District Forester Boyd Lebeda with the Colorado State Forest Service will tell us what to expect in the future.
- Patti Maguire, Firewise Southwest Regional Advisor, Todd Boldt, NRCS District Conservationist, and Mike Hughes, CSFS Asst. District Forester will show attendees how best to be prepared
- Numerous volunteer organizations will introduce themselves, describe what they do, and offer assistance to those in need or who may be in need in the coming years.
An unveiling of a High Park Fire Memorial sculpture created by local sculptors and neighbors, Jackie Sindelar and Chris Gugelman will take place at Mishawaka Amphitheatre at 12:30pm, after the Be Prepared event.
Losing a home is extremely stressful and costly. Being prepared and taking the steps necessary to reduce that risk, even if no one can guarantee that your home can be saved in every situation, is worth the effort.
“We were better prepared than most. But we were nowhere near as well prepared as we should have been. Or could have been.” – Linda Masterson, author of Surviving Wildfire - A Handbook for Homeowners, lost her home in the Crystal Fire.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Ward Mountain Ranch, 4985 Stove Prairie Rd., Bellvue 80512
Link to MAP
What time:
9 am to Noon
Who is invited:
Everyone interested in wildfire and flooding.
__ RSVP Here __
Questions? Contact:
Wes Rutt
Outreach and Eductaion Chair
Colorado Tree Farmers
970 482-6912