A Useful Gift for a small donation!"Surviving Wildfire" is quickly For a donation of $20 you will receive a comprehensive handbook on how to prepare and survive a wildfire from a Tree Farmer and resident of the WUI who learned the hard way. Watch a video interview with the author. Michele Steinberg, Manager of the Firewise Communities Program, National Fire Protection Association writes: "A very compelling read and extremely informative. The combination of the author's real-life experience and her diligent research makes this a very helpful handbook for people living with the risk of wildfire." Carol Walker, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association says: "I will definitely recommend Surviving Wildfire to homeowners and insurance professionals; it is a great, comprehensive resource! Masterson explains everything in understandable, objective language that is anchored in her personal experience." The Colorado Tree Farm State Committee has a limited number of these books that they would like to give as practical gifts to residents of the wildland-urban interface willing to make a donation to continue our educational efforts. We're Colorado Tree Farmers, your neighbors just down the We inform private landowners of the value of actively managing their forests and encourage them to improve the health and sustainability of their trees for future generations. We reach out to people in a variety of ways:
Please help us and, at the same time, help yourself and your family by donating now so you can receive your gift before the coming wildfire season.