Major Threats
to our Forests
and Management Suggestions
Links to the latest, most practical, and most up to date information on the continuing spread of the mountain pine beetle and the increased danger and cost of larger and more intense wildfire.
How To Mitigate
the damage from Wildfire:
- Protecting Your Home From Wildfire
- Are You FireWise?
- Black Forest Fire Video
- Fourmile Canyon Fire Preliminary Findings
- Boulder County Wildfires (videos)
- You Are At Risk
- Wildfire: Preventing Home Ignitions
(download the video first for best viewing) - Home Destruction Examination
- FRFTP Roundtable Recommendations
- Living With Fire
- The Problem with "ignition vulnerable" homes
- Wildfires a Timely Reminder to Check Homeowners Insurance
Forest Health Articles & Videos:
- 2014 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests
- Field Guide to Diseases and Insects
- Benninghoff's Beetle Buster Slideshow
- Mountain Pine Beetle
- Landowner Guide to Living with Bark Beetles
Know Your Bugs:
How To Slow the spread of the beetle:
- Landowners Guide to Thinning
- Product Use to Prevent Mountain Pine Beetle
- Spraying Trees to Protect Against Mountain Pine Beetle
- Thoughts on Verbenone Use for Mountain Pine Beetle
How To Treat Infested Wood:
Who Can Help You?
How You Can Help Others?
- Larimer County Beetle Busters
- Allenspark Beetle Control
- Estes Park Tree Board
- Red Feather Lakes
For more Information:
- Colorado Tree Farmer Alerts
- Colorado State Forest Service
- Colorado Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Colorado Forestry Association
- Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment
- Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Strategy
- American Tree Farm System