
A Modest Proposal..for the New Year

Let’s all identify a few Prime Prospects

Because forest landowners have such diverse views on the benefits of managing (or not managing) their woods, it is important to come up with a practical, cost effective way of identifying those landowners most likely to get motivated and engaged. Landowners, particularly neighbors, expressing an interest in the health of their trees, climate change, wildlife, water conservation, or just their enjoyment owning forested property should be considered "prime prospects” to actively manage their woods when given the appropriate tools and a little inspiration.

Let’s utilize our Collective Expertise

If you can answer a prime prospect’s question or provide a bit of practical advice you’ve made a good start. But most prospects need repeated exposure to a concept in order change a behavior pattern. Most of us don’t have the time, the will, or the temperament to provide that repeated exposure to a message. However, you can utilize the collective expertise and experience of the many contributors to this newsletter to accomplish that task. Simply introduce your prospect to Tree Farmer Alerts by forwarding your email copy of an issue to them and encouraging them to subscribe.

Almost all of the articles found in the letter have been contributed by readers who have found them useful, entertaining, and/or motivating. The articles subtly repeat the message that actively managing one’s forest is a satisfying and worthwhile way to protect and preserve the wonderful natural resource with which they have been intrusted.

Let’s help to Assure we provide Truly Beneficial Services

If you’d like to make sure that Tree Farmer Alerts is always providing useful, entertaining and motivating content, please consider contributing links to articles and videos that you’ve enjoyed. And don’t hesitate to submit questions about what's in your woods. We’ll find the answer for you and share it with all our readers.

Here are some suggested Action Items or New Year's resolutions for you:

  1. Identify some prime prospects this coming year

  2. Introduce them to Tree Farmer Alerts and suggest that they subscribe.

  3. Consider contributing to the newsletter yourself

  4. But before you start that please have a

    Colorado's Tree Farmers